Just a lovely finish! Used with permission. Quilts & More. 2019 Meredith Corp. All rights reserved. Fat 8ths and strips. Using it all! All that’s left!
Fellow Stash Busters! There’s a story behind every quilt, some are planned and some are spontaneous, and this one definitely falls is the last category. You may remember a fun quilt I did a couple years ago which was published in Quilts and More, (photo used with permission). Well, that fabric collection was from MODA, called “Walk About”. They were very generous and had sent more fabric than was needed. I gave some away as door prizes when I was speaking, etc, but had some opened bundles and strips left from that first quilt.
Something Old is New Again!
I happened to need the box that remaining fabric was stored in, and not wanting to put those precious pieces into a cupboard to be forgotten, I decided to use them in a new project. I was looking for something fast and easy, so not cutting them more than needed allowed me to finish the quilt top in a few hours–less than my normal day sewing. BUT THEN, there was still a bit of fabric left, so, onto piecing the back! That took two days, as I did not have a plan from the beginning except to use ALL the fabric. So, a little sewing and pressing, a little deciding what to so next, and a little making it all fit yielded a fun backing, perfect for a scrappy quilt. I did need to add the blue fat quarters, which also made the binding. You can see how much of the “Walk About” fabric is left; just a tiny pile.
No Pattern Needed
I’m so happy I worked this project in, and used that fabric to make a companion quilt/throw to the original quilt! I haven’t decided where it’s home will be, they seem perfect for camping quilts and that does spark an idea for a recipient! For me, the satisfaction of using up some of my stash is enough, I’m happy for this one to find a new home.