Quilter’s Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

I’m teaching at the Quilter’s Affair again this year, and it will be the FIRST time they have offered Barn Quilt Painting!  The classes will be on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th.  What a way to celebrate both quilting and the holiday!  Register through the Quilter’s Affair, on the Stitchin’ Post website.

Stitchin’ Post Color Wheel Footstool Class

Back by popular demand!  The Color Wheel Footstool class is coming to the Stitchin’ Post in Sisters, OR.  Contact the Stitchin’ Post to register for this two-part class.  Each class is 3 hours long. On May 6th you will learn how to do the sewing, then return on May 20th to construct and complete your project.  YES! I said complete and I mean it!  Take home a finished project!

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Wow! If it’s not a Pandemic, it’s a Forest Fire!

Aside from making piles of face masks, I was able to work on some projects over the last months of the pandemic. These are the smaller ones that have been finished. I enjoyed each one! Snuggling in for some stitching and a movie in the evenings was therapy from the news! Notice they are a bit smaller than my usually more ambitious projects! It seemed hard to settle on a big project being so distracted with the news, but I was able to focus on these small pieces even during a pandemic, and feel like some progress was being made. Another, larger project will be featured in a separate post, and two others are in process (one on the design wall and one on the floor)!

And now the forest fires! Oregon is engulfed. So many friends have been evacuated, some have lost their homes, and all of us are experiencing unbelievably poor air quality which will last for weeks. I’ve made my home available to friends in evacuation areas, donated food and toiletries, and today dropped off some quilts. There are many changes to deal with on a daily basis, but I’m feeling grateful that our family is safe and our home is not at risk.

So, let me tell you about the projects shown above! The filming was for a promotional video done with QuiltFolk as they featured my DIY Barn Quilt Kits in August. You may even recognise Michael McCormack, publisher and vidoegrapher, and Bre who handles logistics, media, shipping and photography! We spent a fun morning together.

Project #1 was a Row by Row quilt designed by my friend Tracy Hickey and available at Piece By Piece as a pattern or kit.

Project #2 is a fun embroidery project by another friend Laura Wasilowski, of the Chicago School of Fusing! Great all-around person, awesome sense of humor and just plain fun and talented! This was a free pattern she offered early on in the pandemic.

Projects #3 & 4 are little Sue Spargo wool/embroidery kits I ordered on line from The Stitchin Post. I think I will frame them. The colors suit my sensibility and I will find the perfect spot to show them off.

Project #5 is a covered/wrapped clothes line table mat. I’ve made a few of these and just love the scrappy way the colors work together. The print of each fabric ends up being hidden, but the color comes through. You might notice that I’ve started leaving the tail ends of the rope exposed, and frayed! It gives it a fun whimsical look that I enjoyed, so I will definitely do that again.

Barn Quilt Painting Class

Mid-day progress.

Returning to the Stitchin’ Post in Sisters, Oregon for another round of Barn Quilt classes!  You bring your lunch, a scissors, a 6×24″ quilters ruler and be ready for fun.  Wear painting clothes, or bring an apron, I’ll bring everything else.

Register at the Stitchin’ Post for either Saturday or Sunday and be ready for some fun!

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New supplies just in!

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If you’re like me, you’re planning your projects for the next few months! I had some ideas for great gift projects that didn’t get past the drawing board before Christmas! Getting a jump start on those, as well as some new designs that I’ve saved for winter will be fun. My husband and I drove over to Sisters on Friday so I could see what’s new at the Stitchin’ Post. The shop there is always inspiring, and of course I know a few of the employees so it’s a fun reunion too! I picked up some “yardage” for two projects.
On the way home we stopped at the Lodge at Suttle Lake for a wonderful late lunch. It was over 50 degrees! Such a beautiful sunny day in the mountains, especially compared to the fog we’ve had in the valley. There was a nice breeze, hence, the flying hair in the photo!
I have a footstool class coming up at Piece by Piece at the end of January, so I needed to order supplies. They are all in now, and ready to ship out to those of you who live far away. Some of you know that when you get the kit through the mail it comes with a NINE page instruction booklet that is filled with pictures of the process so there’s no question that you’ll be able to finish the project! You can order one here!