Quilter’s Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

I’m teaching at the Quilter’s Affair again this year, and it will be the FIRST time they have offered Barn Quilt Painting!  The classes will be on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th.  What a way to celebrate both quilting and the holiday!  Register through the Quilter’s Affair, on the Stitchin’ Post website.

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New supplies just in!

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If you’re like me, you’re planning your projects for the next few months! I had some ideas for great gift projects that didn’t get past the drawing board before Christmas! Getting a jump start on those, as well as some new designs that I’ve saved for winter will be fun. My husband and I drove over to Sisters on Friday so I could see what’s new at the Stitchin’ Post. The shop there is always inspiring, and of course I know a few of the employees so it’s a fun reunion too! I picked up some “yardage” for two projects.
On the way home we stopped at the Lodge at Suttle Lake for a wonderful late lunch. It was over 50 degrees! Such a beautiful sunny day in the mountains, especially compared to the fog we’ve had in the valley. There was a nice breeze, hence, the flying hair in the photo!
I have a footstool class coming up at Piece by Piece at the end of January, so I needed to order supplies. They are all in now, and ready to ship out to those of you who live far away. Some of you know that when you get the kit through the mail it comes with a NINE page instruction booklet that is filled with pictures of the process so there’s no question that you’ll be able to finish the project! You can order one here!