Quilter’s Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

I’m teaching at the Quilter’s Affair again this year, and it will be the FIRST time they have offered Barn Quilt Painting!  The classes will be on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th.  What a way to celebrate both quilting and the holiday!  Register through the Quilter’s Affair, on the Stitchin’ Post website.

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A Quilter’s Affair 2014

What a wonderful week in Sisters, Oregon of teaching, special events, meeting up with old friends and finding some new friends too!  I’m in awe and grateful for the experience in such a wonderful setting.  The students were absolutely wonderful, making great progress on their projects each day.  It was fun to meet up with several later in the week as they let me know that they had finished their quilts!  I had several groups attending my classes who came together including a set of sisters I’ll never forget as well as a set of Grandmother/Mom/daughter who spent a remarkable day together with me.  My youngest student is pictured above, a teenager who did an outstanding job on a complicated pattern! The middle pic is a fun and colorful version of my Hot Ziggidy! pattern from Friday’s class.  The pic of me is from the instructor’s show and tell on Thursday night.  I decided to show a footstool instead of a quilt!

Thanks is hardly expansive enough to cover the amount of effort Jean Wells, Valori Wells and all the Quilter’s Affair staff, as well as the townspeople of Sisters, Oregon put into this event.  It is humbling to see how well everything works, and to be included.

Stay tuned for more pics and thoughts about the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show which is always the second Saturday of July.