The Spirit of Winter makes me thing of many cozy things, like a burning fireplace, a fuzzy robe, flannel pj’s, and yes, a good hot drink as I’m watching a movie, or having family time with a puzzle or a deck of cards. To celebrate those ideas, I’m introducing today for the first time my License To Quilt mugs. Fill it with your favorite hot beverage–maybe you love coffee!? I’m a tea drinker myself, but I can also go for a good hot chocolate, and just about any Christmas drink you could name!
Earned your License To Quilt!?
No doubt you have earned the equivalent of a License To Quilt after all the hours of cutting, sewing, pressing, quilting and binding–not to mention the shopping!!! Now you will have proof, in a 12 oz. mug! Choose your favorite color and fill it up with your favorite drink. Wouldn’t your Mom love one? How about your girlfriends, the retreat organizer or your secret pal? Everyone already knows you have a great sense of humor, and you can add to your whimsical collection of quilting toys with this “Class Q” License To Quilt mug.
Hot Caramel Apple Cider (Adults only)
Start by heating Apple Cider, or use a favorite powdered mix, in your License To Quilt mug. Add a shot of Butterscotch Schnapps. Stir and enjoy! This is a very smooth drink with lots of flavor and a bit of a kick! If you have a sweet tooth, you will love it.