Quilter’s Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

I’m teaching at the Quilter’s Affair again this year, and it will be the FIRST time they have offered Barn Quilt Painting!  The classes will be on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th.  What a way to celebrate both quilting and the holiday!  Register through the Quilter’s Affair, on the Stitchin’ Post website.

Stitchin’ Post Color Wheel Footstool Class

Back by popular demand!  The Color Wheel Footstool class is coming to the Stitchin’ Post in Sisters, OR.  Contact the Stitchin’ Post to register for this two-part class.  Each class is 3 hours long. On May 6th you will learn how to do the sewing, then return on May 20th to construct and complete your project.  YES! I said complete and I mean it!  Take home a finished project!

Umpqua Valley Quilt Show, Barn Quilt Class!

So many choices!

The Umpqua Valley Quilters Guild put on a kickin’ quilt show, with classes and special displays, along with so many gorgeous quilts produced by the local quilters.  Well, I am teaching a Barn Quilt Painting Class for them on April 28th!  It’s a finish-in-a-day type of thing, so you can take home a FINISHED project! Hoo-Ya!!!  Make a 2ft by 2ft Barn Quilt with me and learn all the techniques you need to make more on your own!

Barn Quilt Classes in Eastern Washington!

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I’m going the distance to teach a couple Barn Quilt Painting classes in Fairfield, WA.  You heard it here!  The classes are for a private party, but you may be able to join in!  Finish your 2ft x 2ft project in a day and learn all the techniques needed to do more on your own.  One class on April 21st and a second class on April 22nd.  You will love it!

Springtime in Eastern Washington?  Heck yeah!

Barn Quilt Painting Class!

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I’m returning to Montavilla Sewing Center to teach another Barn Quilt Class!  You will be known in your neighborhood for your creativity when you take this baby home!  Finish your project in a day–I know, it’s unhear of, and so fun!  Choose from so many patterns and 100+ paint colors.  Learn step-by-step how to finish this 2ft x 2ft project.  Contact Montavilla Sewing Center to sign up.

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New Classes Added!

LOTS of Barn Quilt Painting classes are coming up in May! Feel free to contact me for any of them, and we will MAKE IT HAPPEN!

May 12 Westminster Pres. Church, Eugene, OR 9:30-3:30

May 20 Montavilla Sewing Center, Lake Oswego, OR 2-8pm

May 26 Private Party, Amity, OR

May 31 Flying to Anchorage, AK for a class set up in Palmer with the Valley Quilters Guild!

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In the Spirit of Hot Winter Drinks!

The Spirit of Winter makes me thing of many cozy things, like a burning fireplace, a fuzzy robe, flannel pj’s, and yes, a good hot drink as I’m watching a movie, or having family time with a puzzle or a deck of cards. To celebrate those ideas, I’m introducing today for the first time my License To Quilt mugs. Fill it with your favorite hot beverage–maybe you love coffee!? I’m a tea drinker myself, but I can also go for a good hot chocolate, and just about any Christmas drink you could name!

Earned your License To Quilt!?

No doubt you have earned the equivalent of a License To Quilt after all the hours of cutting, sewing, pressing, quilting and binding–not to mention the shopping!!! Now you will have proof, in a 12 oz. mug! Choose your favorite color and fill it up with your favorite drink. Wouldn’t your Mom love one? How about your girlfriends, the retreat organizer or your secret pal? Everyone already knows you have a great sense of humor, and you can add to your whimsical collection of quilting toys with this “Class Q” License To Quilt mug.

Hot Caramel Apple Cider (Adults only)

Start by heating Apple Cider, or use a favorite powdered mix, in your License To Quilt mug. Add a shot of Butterscotch Schnapps. Stir and enjoy! This is a very smooth drink with lots of flavor and a bit of a kick! If you have a sweet tooth, you will love it.

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Stash busting!!

Fellow Stash Busters! There’s a story behind every quilt, some are planned and some are spontaneous, and this one definitely falls is the last category. You may remember a fun quilt I did a couple years ago which was published in Quilts and More, (photo used with permission). Well, that fabric collection was from MODA, called “Walk About”. They were very generous and had sent more fabric than was needed. I gave some away as door prizes when I was speaking, etc, but had some opened bundles and strips left from that first quilt.

Something Old is New Again!

I happened to need the box that remaining fabric was stored in, and not wanting to put those precious pieces into a cupboard to be forgotten, I decided to use them in a new project. I was looking for something fast and easy, so not cutting them more than needed allowed me to finish the quilt top in a few hours–less than my normal day sewing. BUT THEN, there was still a bit of fabric left, so, onto piecing the back! That took two days, as I did not have a plan from the beginning except to use ALL the fabric. So, a little sewing and pressing, a little deciding what to so next, and a little making it all fit yielded a fun backing, perfect for a scrappy quilt. I did need to add the blue fat quarters, which also made the binding. You can see how much of the “Walk About” fabric is left; just a tiny pile.

No Pattern Needed

I’m so happy I worked this project in, and used that fabric to make a companion quilt/throw to the original quilt! I haven’t decided where it’s home will be, they seem perfect for camping quilts and that does spark an idea for a recipient! For me, the satisfaction of using up some of my stash is enough, I’m happy for this one to find a new home.

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Quilt Goes Off To College!

I love giving quilts to family and friends! There are some occasions that just seem to call for a warm cozy hug from home, and going off to college feels like a perfect moment to let someone know you are thinking of them, hoping for good things to come their way and celebrating the new paths they will take. This quilt is going off to college with a great-niece soon, meaning not yet! She is starting her college career with on line classes, but I have a feeling that won’t slow her down a bit. She is smart and insightful, already in contact with room mates and dorm mates anticipating when they can be on campus.

So, the QUILT!

My co-ed gave me a color scheme of gray and lavender, which I thought was very sophisticated and would make a spectacular quilt. I chose a pattern designed by a dear friend, Lisa Bee Wilson of Towerhouse Quilts, called “Mountain Top Quilt”. It is available at her Etsy shop, and believe me, this is a pattern you will use more than once. It really does lend itself to using any simple color scheme, and lots of stash fabrics. Since we are in a pandemic, I did need to ask my quilting buddies for some lavender fat quarters, and even so, did end up getting more from my favorite shop, Jean Marie’s Fabrics. I was lucky to have just enough of this fabulous Tula Pink backing fabric in a complimentary color way! Seeing these stacks of blocks grow and putting it on the design wall was pure enjoyment for this textile junkie! I loved adding a variety of grays and blacks to the full spectrum lavender fabrics, and I do love the controlled scrappy effect of the layout with darker blocks framing the quilt.

Look closely, and you will see the quilting I chose, called “Topographic”. It is featured in my Get Addicted To Free Motion Quilting book. It’s a design I like as an all-over, on a contemporary or earthy quilt. It is fast and easy, giving the quilt a relaxed drape, perfect for a bed quilt.

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New Product! Introductory Price!!

I’m so excited to tell you about the new DIY Barn Quilt Kit I have available on my site now! It is special because it is prepared for an exterior application, perfectly water-proof and weather-resistant, it will last for years! Best of all, you get to choose your favorite block, and have the fun of making it yourself! They are available in onsies, and twosies–that’s as a single, or as a pair.

Included in each kit is a pre-primed 24″ x 24 board, a sample foam brush and a set of 4 stainless steel mounting screws, as well as the downloadable instruction booklet, sample patterns and access to a video tutorial coming soon! Doesn’t that sound fun? Who wouldn’t want to dive into this fun project? Go to my SHOP page to see these two great offers!