Cindi Linda Becky
My Color Wheel Footstool design has gotten a lot of attention this year! We are all looking for a fun project to keep our minds and hands creating something pretty and useful. The Color Wheel Footstool is exactly that, and I can ship a pattern and kit right to your door. There is even an instructional tutorial for making the foundation pieced panels, so no question that you can finish this project. When we think of making a quilt of 20-30 or more blocks, we rarely hesitate. Well, the Color Wheel footstool has essentially 8 blocks, easy-peasy!
Occasionally I receive a picture and comments from folks who have completed their footstool. I like to highlight them here and love seeing the color and fabric choices of each one. The Color Wheel Footstools shown here are from all over the country. They each have their own personality, and I am so proud of Becky, Linda and Cindi for their wonderful workmanship and for finding the finish line on this project.
Christmas is coming!
There is still plenty of time to make a Color Wheel Footstool (or a few) as gifts for some special people, and don’t forget YOURSELF! I have seen so many unique fabric collections work for this project, almost anything goes, and that includes pulling it all from your stash, or using a variety of fabric types such as cotton, flannel, corduroy, fleece, silk–as in silk ties, etc. Use your imagination to create your one of a kind family heirloom! Click HERE to get yours!