Stitchin’ Post Color Wheel Footstool Class

Back by popular demand!  The Color Wheel Footstool class is coming to the Stitchin’ Post in Sisters, OR.  Contact the Stitchin’ Post to register for this two-part class.  Each class is 3 hours long. On May 6th you will learn how to do the sewing, then return on May 20th to construct and complete your project.  YES! I said complete and I mean it!  Take home a finished project!

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2023 Updated Class Calendar!

So many choices!

Getting around to updating my class calendar should be on the top of my list, I know, but I always seem to focusing on doing the scheduling and the actual teaching and prep-work. So here I am (at least it’s still January) getting to the Updated Calendar!

So far I’ve input classes for January through April, and locations in Salem, OR; Vancouver, WA; Snohomish, WA; Portland, OR; Fairfield, WA; and Roseburg, OR! Still to come, later in the year, are multiple classes in Sisters, OR; Snohomish, WA; Portland, OR; and more still to be confirmed! Stay tuned, there’s always more exciting dates and classes to come.


Color Wheel Footstool Class!

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If you can imagine making one of these Color Wheel Footstools on your own, go for it!  Otherwise take a class from me!  I’m returning to Montavilla Sewing Center in Lake Oswego to reprise this class!  TWO classes to choose from!  It is taught over two days, each approx 2 weeks apart so you’ll have time to complete the homework.  At the end of the second class you’ll have a FINISHED project to take home and love!  Each class is only 3 hours, and you can choose from either the morning OR afternoon session.  First class is March 11th and the finishing class is March 25th.

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New CLASSES happening at License To Quilt!

Lots of new classes are on the upcoming schedule! Both Barn Quilt Painting classes and a Color Wheel Footstool class will happen this Spring.

I’m excited to be on the road again, and you know I love a project! So, putting together these classes with the supplies needed, and organizing the classes in a way that everyone can be successful is what I do best.

Just a glimpse of what’s coming up: (See my event page for further details)

  1. Barn Quilt Painting Class! Saturday March 5: Snohomish, WA Quilting Mayhem

2. Color Wheel Footstool Class! Friday March 25 and Tuesday March 29: Salem, OR Mid Valley Quilt Guild

3. Lecture, “Perfect Fit Pieced Borders”. Tuesday March 29: Salem OR Mid Valley Quilt Guild

4. 2 Barn Quilt Painting Classes! Friday April 1 and Saturday April 2: Sisters, OR The Stitchin’ Post

5. Barn Quilt Painting Class! Saturday April 9: Portland, OR The Cotton Cure

6. Barn Quilt Painting Class! Saturday April 23: Tillamook, OR Tillamook Coast Visitors Association

7. Barn Quilt Painting Class! Thursday May 12: Eugene, OR (Contact me to register)

8. Also in June I will be traveling to Wasilla, Alaska for a lecture and classes! More about that later as the date approaches.