Quilter’s Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

I’m teaching at the Quilter’s Affair again this year, and it will be the FIRST time they have offered Barn Quilt Painting!  The classes will be on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th.  What a way to celebrate both quilting and the holiday!  Register through the Quilter’s Affair, on the Stitchin’ Post website.

Eugene Barn Quilt Painting Class Added!

We’ve added a local Barn Quilt class, after so many requests!  Join me for a fun day in Eugene, and go home with a FINISHED Project!

Remember, I bring all the supplies needed. You bring a 6×24″ quilters ruler, paper scissors, your lunch, water and any snacks you want, and a apron (or wear painting clothes.

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2023 Updated Class Calendar!

So many choices!

Getting around to updating my class calendar should be on the top of my list, I know, but I always seem to focusing on doing the scheduling and the actual teaching and prep-work. So here I am (at least it’s still January) getting to the Updated Calendar!

So far I’ve input classes for January through April, and locations in Salem, OR; Vancouver, WA; Snohomish, WA; Portland, OR; Fairfield, WA; and Roseburg, OR! Still to come, later in the year, are multiple classes in Sisters, OR; Snohomish, WA; Portland, OR; and more still to be confirmed! Stay tuned, there’s always more exciting dates and classes to come.


Umpqua Valley Quilt Show, Barn Quilt Class!

So many choices!

The Umpqua Valley Quilters Guild put on a kickin’ quilt show, with classes and special displays, along with so many gorgeous quilts produced by the local quilters.  Well, I am teaching a Barn Quilt Painting Class for them on April 28th!  It’s a finish-in-a-day type of thing, so you can take home a FINISHED project! Hoo-Ya!!!  Make a 2ft by 2ft Barn Quilt with me and learn all the techniques you need to make more on your own!

Barn Quilt Classes in Eastern Washington!

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I’m going the distance to teach a couple Barn Quilt Painting classes in Fairfield, WA.  You heard it here!  The classes are for a private party, but you may be able to join in!  Finish your 2ft x 2ft project in a day and learn all the techniques needed to do more on your own.  One class on April 21st and a second class on April 22nd.  You will love it!

Springtime in Eastern Washington?  Heck yeah!

Barn Quilt Painting Class!

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I’m returning to Montavilla Sewing Center to teach another Barn Quilt Class!  You will be known in your neighborhood for your creativity when you take this baby home!  Finish your project in a day–I know, it’s unhear of, and so fun!  Choose from so many patterns and 100+ paint colors.  Learn step-by-step how to finish this 2ft x 2ft project.  Contact Montavilla Sewing Center to sign up.

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New Classes Added!

LOTS of Barn Quilt Painting classes are coming up in May! Feel free to contact me for any of them, and we will MAKE IT HAPPEN!

May 12 Westminster Pres. Church, Eugene, OR 9:30-3:30

May 20 Montavilla Sewing Center, Lake Oswego, OR 2-8pm

May 26 Private Party, Amity, OR

May 31 Flying to Anchorage, AK for a class set up in Palmer with the Valley Quilters Guild!

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New Add-on Class!

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I’m just putting feelers out to see if there is enough interest to put a class together in Eugene soon!

  • Saturday October 19th
  • Peace Presbyterian Church, 3060 River Rd. Eugene, OR
  • 9:30-3:30pm
  • $100, all inclusive.  You only need an apron and your lunch!
  • Take home a FINISHED project!

Please contact me to register or for questions.